For those who don’t know, I absolutely LOVE fiction books/novels. They bring out my creativity. After 3-4 months… I am FINALLY finished reading this book!!

“The Sky Isn’t Visible From Here: Scenes From a  Life” by Felicia C. Sullivan

This was one of the books that I found while at a book fair with a friend. I got a whole box of books for $1.00 (ONE DOLLAR). Yep, you read that correctly.


If you’re not familiar with the book, it is based on the true story of the life in which Sullivan has lived. As I was reading it early on, I thought that the book was kind of dark due to several actions written in this book. Additionally, my heart was in shambles quite a few times due to Sullivan’s past and the things she had to endure with her mother.

Have you ever looked at the ending of a movie or read the ending of a book and thought, I didn’t like how it ended? Then the next thought that comes to mind is Well, how should have the movie/book ended?  and you can’t think of anything… yeeaaa that’s how I feel every single time a movie ends or I’m finished reading a book. However, it was kind of different with this book. With that being said, the ending of the book was tastefully done in my opinion.

Sullivan has endured so much and to read her triumph was admirable. I will say that the book has left me with a question or two. What is her relationship now with her mother? I’m really curious about that one.

Overall, I have to say that I enjoyed reading the book. Would I recommend it? Yes! But warning you now: you may get confused with the chapters going back and forth from when she was a kid to her as an adult, but there’s a reason why it’s doing that.

On another note, I can’t recall the time that I have created a book review… this was fun! Hmmm… which book will I read next? We shall see… oh wait nevermind. I have another book that I have to finish reading *lol* Eh I just might start another one anyway *shrugs*

Well, that’s it! Take care 🙂

~Live Laugh Love~

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