Have you ever felt that urge of beginning another book… when you’re currently reading two at the same time? Which is taking me way too long to finish (due to school and life)… but I’m slowly making progress

I’ll warn you now that this blog will be all over the place. There’s so many things that I want to talk about… so many things that are on my mind. I’ll try to be brief.

So… I went to a bargain bookstore today, where almost every book, CD, and DVD was $1.00! There were soooo many books: from baby books to Adult Fiction.  Found some really great books that I’m ready to read. The funny thing is… I already have a box filled with books that I haven’t read yet (maybe one, two, or three of them). But nevertheless, I’m going to conjure up some self-control and not begin another book until I read the books that I’m already reading. I’m not gonna lie though, I may go again (I don’t know).

I wanted to talk about the current Presidential election… but we all know (of at least should know) how it SHOULD turn out. As long as Trump doesn’t become the representative for the Republicans, I’m gravy. If he does, then I whole-heartedly believe that we will see the real-life version of The Hunger Games. I could go on, but that’s all that I’m controlling myself to say… because I can go IN… but I won’t. I’ve vented enough about it.


Grad school is going well. I’m learning a lot and I hope and pray that I’m able to apply all that I’m learning into the classroom. (For those who don’t know, I’m in school to become a teacher.)

One more month… wow… and I’ll be done with school… for now. Never say never. So let’s just say that I’m going to take a LOOOOOOOONG, well-needed break from being a broke student. I’m ready to take on the life of being a career woman. At the same time, I hasn’t really set in yet.

So far, my 366-Day Blanket has been going well! When it comes to how I’m designing the blanket, I’m pretty much winging it. I’m not gonna lie,  I am slacking a little bit… but I have an excuse (I know what you’re saying: “Aw, here she go.”)

I’m blaming school *drops mic and walks away*

I’m not too far behind. I can catch up. I’ll be sure to post a pic, but let this suffice for now.

I had another thought, but I’ll end the blog with this: Sometimes, we need to vent. Holding it all in doesn’t feel good and it creates health problems in the long run. Blogging is one of my ways to release stress… which makes me feel pretty good 🙂

Well, that’s it… OH AND BY THE WAY….


Take Care! T.T.F.N.

~Live Laugh Love~

2 thoughts on “So Much to Say, Don’t Know Where to Start

  1. The randomness of your blog has entertained me and somehow encouraged me to do some focused writing today. Go ahead you finish your book and I will try to finish mine😉 I have 4 hopping on right now

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