Since I’m turning 25 this year I was inspired by one of my sisters (best friend) to make a list.

25 Things to do the Year I Turn 25.

In previous blogs they made a list of things to do BEFORE they turn 25, but since my birthday is near the beginning of the year I don’t have time for all of that.  So I’m gonna stretch it throughout the year. One of the things that I want to do is read at least 25 books this year.


Ever since I started college (a lil over half of a decade ago) I haven’t read NEARLY as much as I did in grade school. I still read books but I was challenged to read when I was little… so this will be a good challenge for me 🙂 So challenging that… yes you’ve guessed it (you probably didn’t)… I’ve also looked up 2016 book challenges *lol*

So far I’m reading two different books at the same time (by accident).

The Sky isn’t Visible From Here: Scenes From a Life by Felicia C. Sullivan (Fiction)

Altar Ego by Craig Groeschel (Non-Fiction)

Two completely different books… and I love them both.

I’m more of a fiction book lover than a non-fiction, but I do like reading those as well. I find myself reading fiction books a lot faster than non-fiction… I’m approximately 25% done with it… and I’ve only read it for a few hours! Taking my time with non-fiction and allowing it to marinate in my mind is the key for my conceptual understanding… to practice what I’ve read. (FYI, If I’m going to read a non-fiction book, then it has to be an encouraging, sort of convicting me, type of book.)

I may give a review of how I like both books. We’ll see *begins to wink to the laptop*

I felt inspired to blog today. Have a GREAT weekend… or at least try to 😀


~Live Laugh Love~

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