It’s the halfway point. How’s it going? Well… it’s going. How do I feel? I feel… well I have feelings. Is it hard? No. These are questions that I’ve been asked a lot and have more than likely given answers such as these.

Grad School does contain a lot of work though. Projects and research papers along with daily/weekly assignments. Agenda books, calendars, and time management will be your best friend.

There are more class discussions and less lectures, depending on your major. Time will come when a part of you is hunting for the purpose of meeting for this class and discovering the reason why in the middle of class. You might not even find it boring because you’re surrounded by like-minded people with similar goals.

School is school.

So far it’s challenging. It can be stressful, life could smack you in the face, juggling acts like you’re in the circus. You might even cry because you’re your own worse own worse critic and you don’t feel excellent. You might even be in a bad mood one day because of school, sending out negative energy.

How can anyone approach others while carrying negative energy, negative vibes? Is it possible? Yes.

I think energy transfers from person to person. This might sound crazy to some, but I don’t care. You’d hear sayings like, “You brightened up my day.” Have you ever thought of how? Me neither… at least not until now.

Sometimes, I gotta check myself and listen to angel inside my head saying, “Breathe, Stretch, Shake, and let it go.” I think Ma$e said that. I should listen.

Anyway… IT’S SCHOOL.

School is suppose to challenge you. It’s suppose to help build you into an amazing person. God allows these things to happen for a reason. Find peace somewhere:
-in your car
-listening to music
-planning a trip
-go out
-talk to friends

I try to at least once per day to find something that involves peace. I think that can apply to into our daily life, school or no school.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve decided to take up (Urban Studies, Education, Theology, Engineering, etc), Grad School is not hard! You’ve proven to yourself that handling college is possible. Grad School is just another chapter in your life.

Yes, Grad School is challenging. All school, in general, is challenging. However, I remember my professor (who is now retired) saying something along these lines…
Most teachers are good at what they do because they know what is like to struggle.
…which I think is true! We tend to come across great professor because they’ve been where we are.

Would I recommend Grad School to anyone? Yes.