I started part 1 of grad school on May 11th, which was a six week summer program, and parts two and three are coming up soon. Let me tell you somethin: those were six of the most homework time consuming weeks of my life! I think I was overwhelmed maybe 80% of the time! I did my homework in the car, at home, and I thought of it everywhere I went! *sigh* Nevertheless, it was a good six weeks because I reflected a lot on what kind of mathematics teachers I aspire to be. I also ended the six weeks well with a 4.0 ๐Ÿ˜€ Yeeeaaaaa!! *raises the roof* (Who does that anymore? Oh well. I do!)

Lately, Iโ€™ve been paying attention to the hashtag #Crochet on Instagram, for there are so many things you can learn (or even be inspired by) other people. I saw quite a few things that I want to try for myself one day. I donโ€™t know where to start though. I think I may have an idea on where to begin…


There are so many things I want to do… I can’t decide on where to start! Crochet a dress, read a bunch of books, start yoga, go to a different city… or something simple, like sit in a coffee shop drinking hot tea and read a book (because I’m not really a coffee person and I don’t like the way caffeine makes me feel). There are so many things we can to do, so we create to-do lists. But you know what can hinder us from doing so: technology. I always thought that people have become brain-washed with technology, including me. Every 2-3 seconds we want to check out what people are doing because we’re “bored” and it’s sooooo important that we know these things. Because of this, I decided to try something. Last week, I limited my time on social media, and let me tell you somethin: it was liberating! The experience had me thinking that I needed to do this more often! I mean, I do want to do a lot of things after all ๐Ÿ™‚

Hmmm… what else… well I think that’s it. Take care! T.T.F.N!

*Live Laugh Love*