Students are starting to deteriorate

They may have gotten the picture for a moment

But now I’m starting to see…

They never understood

I don’t think they realize the importance of finishing

‘Til the end

There’s still more to do

They haven’t grown to see that education is important

It’s all about money, sex, no school, hate the teacher, hate people

Add their most hated subject into the mix…

Accumulating salt to injury

Now granted some of them have made improvements

I strongly just want them to finish strong

They don’t see that

They don’t see what I see

I just want them to know that education matters

…I wish …they understood …that their lives matter

They can be just as great as some of the greatest schools in the country

But they don’t see what I see

Our youth are starting to deteriorate

It’s heartbreaking to admit

Lord only knows what to do at this point

Time to brainstorm

~Live Laugh Love~

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