We have several social issues in today’s society, but one sticks out more than the rest.

People won’t ask for help.

I don’t understand why… well… I may have an understanding.

Will there be embarrassment? Probably. Pride is crushed when people ask for help. The ego turns cold-hearted. It means you’re admitting to being helpless. No one wants to feel helpless. I know I don’t.

Even I had to catch myself doing it, so I’m not pointing fingers here.

But I think that’s how God wants it sometimes.

We shouldn’t ever get so high in life that asking for help is on the same level as standing on the corner asking for spare change.

We all need help every once in a while (if not all the time).

Sometimes, we gotta tell ourselves that there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. It’s all in the mind. Can’t always listen to what our minds have to say. Our minds can be deceiving from time to time.