“Society is getting dumber.”

I’ve heard that before. I never realized it until I actually began to observe my surroundings…

Technology is to blame. It’s becoming more advanced.

It’s like crack to people. They can’t live without it, but it fries the mind if it’s continuously used.

You wake up, get on your phone.

Post up, getting on your phone

Ride round in it, with your phone

Flossin on that… using your phone

I woke up like this… needing my phone LOL! (Ok, ok I tapped into my inner Beyoncé. Humor, people!)

When we get bored, get on our phone. When we don’t want to do anything, get on our phone. When no one is saying anything interesting, get on our phone.

It’s addicting.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m talking to myself too. I do the same thing every now and then, especially if I’m bored. I’m constantly learning to limit my time on social media.

Maybe this is beating a dead horse, but repetition is good for the mind.

Application: Let’s learn to limit our time on our phones and social media. Example: When God blesses us to wake up in the morning let’s take a moment to look at the room, ya know? Social media will always be there 🙂

Ok, I’m done. Peace out!
~Live Laugh Love~