
I did something that I thought I’d do later instead of sooner.

Whenever I have something that I wanna do in mind, I wanna do it A.S.A.P. That happens most of the time.

Mixed emotions ran through my head…

Do I like it? Am I sure?

Did I really do what I think I did?

I can’t believe I just did that!

What will people think?

It already seems like my Boaz is HIDING from me. Will he be hibernating after he sees what I did?

Yes, I though of all these things!

After looking at my hair cut, my immediate response was “Oooooo! I look like I stepped back into time!”

I smiled… but I was also still comprehending the fact that I really did it.

How do I feel?

Am I okay with this cut? (I don’t have much of a choice now lol!)

Did I imagine it being this short? (Actually, I did at one point in my life.)

Do I feel some type of freedom like other women who chose to cut their hair really short?

But this isn’t the first time I cut my hair. Three years ago… but I my hair was still relaxed. This time it’s 100% natural.

Sometimes I have to tell myself to quit thinking…

India Aire’s song came to mind the next day…

Regardless of the many things that ran through my head, there are some things that I noticed about cutting my hair…

I noticed how it accentuates my cheek bones and lips. I can wear big earrings without looking weird! And before I cut my hair I already told myself (and my mom told me) that I’ll look good and can rock it… if done correctly Imo 😉 No wigs or weaves… maybe braids. I wear makeup sometimes. I’ve always liked rocking what I got… even if it means that I still have those really, really annoying dark spots still on my face 😒

Although I will miss my hair, I’m gonna learn to enjoy this new do! Even though I still don’t know what to do with it… lol!

So… Do I like it?

…Yes 🙂

~Live Laugh Love~

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