Ok. Let me vent.

I hate standardized tests… Ok, hate is considered a strong word… I really, really dislike standardized tests.

I haven’t had to really study for one since the Ohio Graduation Test. So studying for a big test like that in college is foreign to me.

I want to finish what I’ve started: get my degree and get into the master’s program. I know I have to take the exam to get into the program, but this will be my 4th time taking it. I don’t want to take the exam and fail it again, watching another $105 go down the drain.

I’m… scared…

I usually am pretty good with studying for test… but this one is completely different. I thank God for my professor wanting to help, but even he is stumped lol.

So, again I say “I really, really dislike standardized tests!”

Have you ever had that moment when a certain song pops into your head? You don’t know why it came up all of a sudden because you haven’t recently listened to it.

As I had my little moment of grief I came across a song one of my friends wrote off of his album

I’ll never worry, never wonder if He knows what’s going on

He is the way, He’s never lost in my life

He’s God, and He’s in control

Like it didn’t understand why… and then the song in my head got louder and louder and then… I began to understand why.

God knows that me and this test have serious issues. He knows that I have fears of not passing this test again.

God has never lost a fight in my life. He has this test all planned out. I just have to do my part and study to the best of my ability.

I did find some guides to help me. Hopefully they’ll work. If they worked for me then I’ll share it 🙂

But until then…

I gotta pass this test this time.

~Live Laugh Love~