

It’s been 2.5 months since NTY has launched and I must say… I am satisfied! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a lot of supporters. I always knew this was going to beย a good one… when winter comes. However, people are interested in the summer as well.ย I had to put myself out there and believe in myself. This wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for God and my supporters.

Maybe one day I’ll be asked to have a booth setup at a local event. That may or may not happen until later… but hey a young woman can dream, right???

Right now, I’m working on some slippers for one of my friends… she’s like a sister to me.

One day I’ll post a few pics of my merchandise. I’m usually still learning some things. For right now, here’s a gift to myself! I posted a short blog a few weeks ago about a yarn called Black Lights. Here’s my W.I.P. (Please excuse the scarf on my head.)

I wanna make it longer!

Well, here’s an update! Take care!

~Live Laugh Love~ <— One day I’ll get this as a tattoo ๐Ÿ˜‰