I’ve been trying out some new things and I have to say… they’ve been pretty good so far!


Isn’t this owl mug cuuute?! πŸ™‚ I’m trying not to use it so much… but who can resist using an owl mug? β™‘β™‘β™‘


Since I’m trying to go natural, I’m trying to take care of my hair a liiiiiiittle bit more. So I thought I’d try this. So far…  I like it, and it doesnt break my hair off. Plus it smells good. That’s always a plus!


My hair looks like it gets wet by rain after working out. Soo… I was recommended to do co-washing and I picked this up. So far… I like it! It detangles my hair and it doesn’t break my hair off. Annnd it smells goooood.


I tried coconut water for the first time. I was curious of what it would taste like. I tried the Vita Coco coconut water with pineapple. At first it was an interesting taste (in a bad way) but then I got use to it and it turned out pretty good! It almost reminded me of a piΓ±a colada. It’s a whole lot better when it’s nice and cold. I’ll give it one more try and buy the coconut water without the added stuff (like pineapples lol).

I learned how to make a tea latte …via internet. I used lipton tea, milk, water, sugar, and cinnamon. Since it was my first try, of COURSE there were some problems. Lol πŸ˜€ I used the stove, so when the milk, water, and cinnamon was getting hot, I wasn’t paying much attention to it. So it boiled over and went into the stove top. Kinda made the kitchen smelly. πŸ˜€ Then the recipe suggested that I take the stuff in the tea bag out and into the milk-water-cinnamon combo and then strain it out… yea bad idea… I’ll leave it at that. You can only imagine how that went lol! Then I used milk with all the fat in it because that was the only milk in the house. Other than that I think it turned out good and it tasted great! πŸ˜‰

I’m not always going to get things right the first time, but I learn from them and I know what not to do next time… like keep the stuff manufacturers put in a tea right where it belongs lol.

Well that’s it! Take care!
