I had an appointment today. Took care of business in regards to grad school next summer. Afterwards, I didn’t wanna go directly home. Once I’m out, I try to stay out of the house for a while. Plus I needed to get my mile in. I try to walk/run/trot one mile per day. Some days are more successful than others *shrugs*. So what is the best way to do it? The mall! Duh!

Of course I had every intention of not buying anything *insert a laugh here*. So I walked around the mall, trying to make every corner. I walked into many stores. One of them was Wet Seal. A store clerk greets me. I walked around the store… and there it was… the clearance rack. Now, keep in mind that I am not a big shopper, but a budget shopper. In order for me to buy anything, an item has to stick out at me. My future husband does NOT have to worry about me maxing our credit cards or blowing the budget! Sometimes, I’m ok with going through the mall or a store and not buying anything.

Well… those were not one of those times.

Man you should’ve seen what I saw! Belts were $2, jewelry was $1, bags were $5 *smh*. I couldn’t tell that slip through my fingers… or my eyesight! And THEN I noticed a Super Mario wallet! He is my favorite cartoon. (Yes, he is a cartoon… a video game cartoon.) So I caved lol πŸ˜€ everything I bought was under $20!! Winning!!

And then I had to buy something important at Walmart, but that’s not so interesting lol. I felt like telling someone about it. First my mom – because she knows I don’t shop that much – then blog about it.

In other news, my workout journey is going good! I’ve learned to distract myself while working out. Even If I have to sing out loud! I can’t think of the pain or repetitions! My goal is to graduate from my girl push ups and do them somewhat like a man *begins to flex* Oooo kill ’em!

Ending my night with a salad and watching this old documentary on Maya Angelou πŸ™‚


~ T.T.F.N. ~ Live Laugh Love ~