As I drink my tea, I felt the need to blog again.

Ok, so I’ve had issues with acne and dark spots from leftover pimples and blackheads. Ugh, they are so annoying! OMG! I haven’t had many acnes problems in high school. Oh, but when college came along *smh* these ugly little buggers had a field day!! They have made a home for themselves on my face… and I didn’t invite them. :-/

These ugly little buggers have left me slightly insecure about my face. Now don’t get me wrong, I still look in the mirror. But to avoid a long-time stare at my face I smile, put on make up, put on lotion, brush my teeth, or whatever and keep it moving. No need to upset myself! Haha 😀

It really isn’t that bad compared to other people, but it’s still a problem.

So where’s the lesson in this? I’ve learned to love my face for the way it is. It’s not perfect, but this has helped me not to care so much. My black is beautiful 🙂

HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean these ugly little buggers are still welcome on my face!

So what am I doing to fix it?  I’m currently using African black soap and it has helped me to control my blackheads and pimples. I’ve looked at different websites to see what I can do with my dark spots. The one thing that I’ve found the most was smearing lemon juice on the ugly little buggers and rinse it off after 20-30 minutes. I’m going to try it. I’m not too patient when it comes to seeing change on my face, but I will stay consistent! *point index finger in the air*

So working out, drinking water, healthy eating, washing my face twice a day, not touching my face so much, and the lemon method should all help me in destroying these ugly little buggers. (even though working out is not the reason why I want to destroy these ugly little buggers. I work out because I want some muscle *begins to flex*)

Well that’s my transparency for today 🙂

~ T.T.F.N ~ Live, Laugh, Love ~