Hello! I felt like blogging today 🙂

Status update! On May 3rd I graduated from college!!! B. S. (Bachelors of Science) in mathematics. 😀 I just don’t know what to do with myself now lol! I’ll be starting the masters program next summer.

But in the meantime… the goal is to keep myself busy and to develop a more confident “college grad” me. Substitute teach in a local school system. Blog more. Draw more. Write more. Crochet more. GO OUT MORE (which I chose not to do a lot while in college because of homework/studying. And I simply wasn’t into it because who wants to go out every weekend? That will probably get old quick! AND who has that much money? Going out is not free! Unless you’re not paying… went off on a tangent lol). Practice my guitar. 😀 By the way, I don’t have a name for it yet. Since I claimed my car to be a girl, I guess I’ll pick a boy’s name!

Ever since school ended for me, I’ve started back working out… about 4-5 days per week. I had to put it on the back burner because I wanted to focus on senior stuff and studying for my finals. But let me tell you… AS SOON AS I graduation weekend was done, I started back up again! Looking at posts of my friends on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter motivated me to continue. I LOVE working out! I want to be consistent. 🙂

Since I work out often, my hair is always wet with sweat… and I get hair relaxers! I figured out that the best time for me to get another relaxer is on the weekends. Sweat dries out my hair and leaves it untamable and more hair on my comb. Now don’t get me wrong, sweat is sexy …but not in my hair!! I’ve been looking at different blogs about hair care when working out. I think I found a good one. Click here. Eventually I’ll figure it out 😉

Well that’s it haha

~ T.T.F.N. ~ Live, Laugh, Love ~