I’ve been crocheting for a long time… always using the same yarns. I wanted to try something new; so I looked up patterns to try and crochet. Suddenly, I stumbled across a new thing: PLASTIC BAGS as yarn! I thought it’ll be cool try, and I must say it turned out pretty good.

Here’s how to change the bags into yarn:

1. Lay the bag flat

2. Cut the handles and bottom seam off the bag

3. Fold the bag into a strip

4. Cut the bag into 1½ – 2 inch pieces

5. Start with two of the 1½ – 2 inch pieces. Take one end of the bag and insert it into the other end.

7. Pull tightly but not too tight or it will tear. This forms a knot which will not be seen when you crochet. Keep repeating the above and roll up your strips into your new ball of “yarn”

(If interested, you can find these instructions and pictures by clicking here)

Since I only used a small amount of plastic bags, I was only able to make a wristband. Here it is!

Honestly, I think it turned out pretty good! I can’t wait to try more things! If you don’t know what to do with your big collection of grocery bags, try crocheting them instead of throwing them away. I even heard you can knit them as well. Enjoy 🙂