One of my friends on Facebook and in real life posted this on her page. I took a look at it. Dope video! Definitely was a reality check for me!

Since technology has evolved, all of us (including myself) have been so consumed in Social Media. We miss so many opportunities and events all because we’re on our phones. Most of us get dangerous and drive with our phone in hand… yep I said it! This results in accidents! No one should die in a car accident due to texting or on Social Media. Terrible way to go out.

We’re so consumed on trying to record events on a post for all to see. I am guilty myself.

So as hard as it’s going to be, I am going to try and limit my time on Social Media. (When I’m out with a friend, at church, with family, etc.) Some moments are better captured in your heart than in a post πŸ™‚

Shout out to Gary Turk, the guy who made this video. (I assume.)
