There were more times than many where I felt like I had a rep to uphold. People come up you and say something along the lines of “I expect great things from you!” and smile… or say something like “I’m proud of you!” and smile. The more you hear things like that, the more worried you get when you feel like your about to fail…

I’ve learned that the hard way…

I was always “Goody Two Shoes” in my siblings’ eyes and “the child who takes care of business” to my parents. I felt like if I failed, then people would be disappointed in me. Most of the time it was the opposite. I’d be disappointed in myself.

I would be so worried about failing that I never found time to embrace my failures and to find the bright side. Have you ever felt like you’ve said or heard a saying several times, but it wasn’t until something happened that you found that saying to be true? Yea, that happened to me.

I’m finally at a point where I can say that I’m perfectly ok with failing. And whenever I tell anyone about it, I’M STILL OK!!!

So my message to any high school student or college student (or even an adult) is that it’s ok to fail. No one is perfect! You’ll never be ok with your failures until you talk to God about them and ask for peace! That’s what I had to do.

“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints” 1 Corinthians 14:33 ESV

So I hope this blesses someone as it did me πŸ™‚
