I haven’t posted anything in a while and thought I’d post something today. I went tubing with my church yesterday and I had SO MANY ideas in mind on what I could possibly type about besides nail polish and crochet …but I forgot lol! So I thought I’d give an update on my life.


One thing that I’ve learned about myself is that it’s ok if people call me a nerd. For a while (even though I didn’t want to admit it) I found some offense to being called a geek or a nerd. I’ve learned that there is nothing wrong with it! I go to school, do what my professors tell me to do, get good grades, and stayed out of trouble. Nothing wrong with that! In high school, I thought about what it would be like if I was well-known throughout the school, but I never really had thoughts on being cool.

Often times, being cool gets you in trouble! Cool kids usually have self-esteem issues, all the girls/guys want them (in any way possible), they wear some of the most raunchy teenage clothes known to man, they always got into trouble with a teacher (talking back or never doing their work), they often got suspended, some have terrible grades, and in some cases they are the reasons why a dance is canceled or is shut down early. Yep, being cool was never attractive to me.

With this journey with God, I’ve learned that it’s ok to be different. Christians are supposed to stand out! People are supposed to see God. I can be weird and random all at the same time. I like being me 🙂 being a cool kid has been taken by so many people already.

So my message to anyone who reads this is that it’s ok to be different. If you are a nerd, then be a nerd. If you wanna show your coolness, then show it. Just be you! Everyone else is taken. There is only one of you 😉


School started like three weeks ago and the schoolwork started to pile up on the FIRST week back! But I try my best to stay on it. I will graduate from college in May!! I can’t wait!!

I still enjoy Pilates 🙂 I haven’t been doing much of it lately because I hurt my knees 🙁 Crazy thing: it was first one of my knees, then it was the other one! :-/ But now I feel better and I’m ready to start Pilates again 😀 So far I’ve been doing Pilates videos on YouTube. I mainly watch videos from a Pilates instructor by the name of Cassey Ho (better known as Blogilates). I’ve already taken Pilates classes for like 10 weeks a year or two ago so I’m familiar with how to do things.

I think I wanna start Yoga! I saw some pictures of people doing Yoga and they look so peaceful… lol such a cliché to say.

My guitar journey is going good. I know some chords and some songs by heart 😀

Ok, that’s all I can think of! Have a great day 😉

~Live Laugh Love~

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