Happy New Year!!! Feliz Año Nuevo!!!

It’s a new year and a fresh start! I hope everyone has a great year 😀

Let’s talk about New Year’s Resolutions…

I don’t see any problem with making resolutions. They are goals that you want to reach. I even don’t see any problem with making crazy resolutions. If you are a child of God, then you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! (Phillipians 4:13)


I do have a problem with how people make these resolutions.

1. People tend to make resolutions that lasts for two months, or a short period of time. The goal may not even be done in two months! For example, one of my New Year goals was to learn the guitar. I did learn, but I began my guitar journey in August 2013. Also, once people reach for the goal, then that’s the end of it. Even though the resolution may only last for two months, continue to make goals throughout the year! Oh, and always strive for higher! For example, if you want to lose 10 pounds and you reach that goal, then take an extra step and live a healthier lifestyle to keep the weight off 🙂

2. People tend to make the resolution and forget that they made it. Now, I confess that I have done this before. Write a goal for myself and then forget that I wrote it. This results in not doing the goal at all and wasting your time and energy in making it in the first place! So if we make a resolution/goal, let’s stick to it!

3. People tend to wait until new years to make the goal in the first place! People really think of the goal in December and wait to declare it your resolution in January instead of starting on it at that very moment you make the goal! I just don’t get that. When I want to do something (even if I think of it at night) I wanna start on it immediately; otherwise, it will bother me if I don’t. Anything I don’t start on immediately, I consider it a wish.

So those are my problems with how people make resolutions lol!
Let’s work on achieving these goals. Together, we can make it happen!

Happy New Year!


~Live Laugh Love~

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