Have you ever had that one moment when you feel like you have all of the energy in the world? I’ve been feeling like that! Not sure why though… lol!

Thanksgiving was wonderful! Spending time with the ones you love is always a great thing 🙂 God is awesome eh?!

I did go Black Friday shopping with my mom and brother, which was cool… got some cute boots 😀 However,  I’ve learned over the Thanksgiving weekend that I really do not like Black Friday… at all! I don’t understand why people would want to wait in the cold for a store to open up either Thanksgiving night or early the next morning. Then go through crowds to look for the things you’ve been having your eye on. THEN wait in an extremely long line that goes from the beginning of the store and curves around the store. I just don’t understand! Plus, people have no shame in getting defensive (hence, the police on standby both inside and outside of the store to keep people safe). I don’t want to knock anybody else’s desire to shop on Black Friday. It’s just that it’s not for me. I don’t want something THAT bad lol. I’ve been pretty good at waiting 😉 But I do think that Cyber Monday is more my speed 😀 No crowds; just in the comforts of your own home!

I can’t wait to start crocheting people’s gifts! I have some ideas in mind, just not on paper. I do need to hurry and start on it soon since Christmas is in 23 days! I did have the opportunity to give back to one of the targeted families that my church is aiming for. It’s always a great thing to be a blessing to someone, especially this holiday season!

Oh and my Crochet skirt… or dress is coming along alright!



Ok… I think I’m done blogging now lol

~T.T.F.N.~Live Laugh Love~