
Who loves a day in which you wake up in the morning and you don’t have to go anywhere? I do!! A busy life can take a toll on you after a while. Sometimes, you just need a moment to rest. Jesus did! Wake up and get out of bed whenever you want to, sip on hot tea or some fancy coffee (for my coffee lovers ☕️), and crochet 😊.

I made an infinity scarf that only took me two days to make! I think it’s only because of the bulkiness of the yarn.


So I’m in the process of making a skirt… or dress… haven’t decided yet! I’m recycling yarn from another project I got tired of looking at Lol.

OH, and I can’t wait til Christmas! I love this time of year! I get to make people gifts 😀 but I want to get through Thanksgiving first lol.

I think I’m gonna go see The Hunger Games this afternoon …by myself. As much as I love going to the movies with my friends and family, there’s something cool about going to the movies by yourself 😏.

~Happy Crochet~Live Laugh Love~

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