I’m at my field experience blogging about this. Don’t worry, I had free time ;-). Thought I’d clear my mind…

I remember being in the 5th grade when it happened.

I remember my teacher turning on the television to see the news. At the time, I didn’t understand what was going on. All I knew was that something bad happened.

I remember seeing the American Flag hanging halfway down the flag pole everywhere I went for a long time.

Around that time, I also remember my classmate’s lil brother getting hit by a car and died. It was a sad day at my elementary school. I remember we had a small memorial around our school flag pole for him and the lives lost during the attack.

Time may pass… Years may go by… But I don’t think I’ll ever forget that day… that time.

As years went by I understand what happened that day. It could’ve been one of my family members in one of those towers or at the Pentagon.

God has truly blessed America and He continues to do so! It could’ve been the entire country under attack… but it wasn’t! Thank you God for blessing America!

Where were you when 9/11 happened? I’d love to know πŸ™‚

Take care! And enjoy the day!