Since school has started, I’ve learned that I will not be blogging as much I as would like. I thought I’d get one quick blog time in before I dive into my homework. Only one class this morning! It will be a “homework, study, Lord of the Rings Trilogies, The Mummy trilogies” type of day… and I’m alright with that! I’m trying to make sure that most of my homework (if not all of my homework) is done before the weekend hits.

Ok, back to this blog!!!

If you’ve read my previous blog about me wanting to go to Italy, then you should know that there is another place I would LOVE to go to… Paris!!!

I wanted to go to Paris not because of the Eiffel Tower or to experience eating wine and cheese (which I think would be lovely), but rather because of a game I loved playing when I was younger called Midnight Club… lol! I’m serious!

I can imagine myself sitting at a lovely French café, eating food and drinking wine… writing poetry, inspired to write a short story… sounds lovely 🙂

You know what? I just wanna go to EUROPE!!! This desire starts whenever I watch The Amazing Race. I think it would be lovely to travel 😀

What’s another place you would like to go? I’d love to know 🙂

I hope you enjoyed the blog! Subscribe if you like!

Have an awesome weekend 😉


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