I would looooooove to visit Italy!!! It’s one of the first places I would want to go to …if I was ever given the opportunity to go overseas! I think it would be a great experience and (by looking at pics on the internet) it looks beautiful over there πŸ˜€


(This is a picture of Venice, Italy. I found this on Bing.com)

As for a place to move to… I haven’t thought of where to move to. I do want to experience living in another city though. I’m just gonna go with the flow and follow where life takes me πŸ˜‰

Where would you like to move to or visit? I’d love to know πŸ™‚

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~Take Care!~ Live Laugh Love❀~

3 thoughts on “Somewhere I’d Like to Move or Visit

  1. I would love to go to Veince too. Real dream is Trindad, i have wantes to go there since I a teen.

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