I read this article a few weeks ago by email that came from Fastweb called “How Not to go Broke” by Jennifer LeClaire. This article consists of providing college students tips and advice on how they can save money on a regular basis.  LeClaire mentioned that students can compare prices on merchandise and use coupons instead of paying the entire price. When it comes to eatting out, LeClaire suggested that students can also eat out for breakfast or lunch instead of dinner (I assume she said this because lunch and breakfast is cheaper than dinner). She also said to be careful with credit cards and to use it wisely. But that’s just to name a few things that were in the article.

After I have read this article, I thought that this was an interesting article. In my opinion, every college student (AND FUTURE COLLEGE STUDENTS) should read this article and consider performing these tips. As a college student myself, I realize that the college life isn’t cheap at all: it’s very expensive. You’re always making decisions that deal with money, such as deciding whether to save money for a necessity (i.e. schools books, food, care products, etc.) or a desire (i.e. going shopping, movies). Sometimes we even get stressed out over selling back books and not getting even half the amount you paid for them.

We should all learn how to use our money wisely because it runs out quickly…and Jennifer LeClaire’s article “How Not to go Broke” is simply one of the articles that could help everyone.

If you have a Fastweb account and you wanna look at this article, click here.

I hope you can check it out!
