The last time I wrote a letter to myself was in 2018 when I transitioned to another school. I named it, “A Letter to Me.” I needed it at the time and it encouraged me so much. Now, at my big age of 7 years of teaching, I figured I would go ahead and write another letter to myself.

Dear Diondra,

You had a fantastic summer. I’m sure you are grateful to God for this. This year has been so good to you, and I pray that the remaining year with “The -embers” is good to you.

As of now, you’re entering into your 8th year of teaching. Yeah, I know. You’re not looking forward to it. There’s also a bit of you that is looking forward to it. I remember you writing a similar letter to yourself in 2018. You were starting full-time at your current school after experiencing a terrible 1st year at a prior school. You needed it then and I can tell you need one now.

Post-pandemic teaching is hard, and it has been rough on you. Look at how far you’ve come! Bruised, year working hard to mend the broken pieces. I know you still see a mission to fulfill and everything you went through is all a part of your story. God has given you a gift to use.

I want you to come into this school year with a positive mindset. You’re no longer a rookie in this teaching game! This year also marks 11 years of teaching at Macedonia MBC. Gurl, you know what you’re doing! Show it! Know that God has equipped you for the journey. He never puts you in a place where you’re going to fail. He won’t leave you either!

The Number 8 represents “new beginnings.” Consider this a new beginning, a new refreshing to your story. Know that I’m rooting for you.

Love Always,

P. S., Romanticize your life after work.