
As graduate is around the corner (Spring 2014 to be exact), I can’t help but to think about the future. Soon, I would have to get even more grown up than I already am. Get a job, pay off school loans, pay bills. It can be a slightly scary thought…

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like in 5-10 years. Sometimes, I have fantasies in my head on what my future could be like, but 80% of it is make believe.  I never really thought about what my future would be like…. what will my future be like?

I am a “go with the flow” type of girl. I try hard not to do much planning for my future. Plans might not go the way you planned them to be 😉 Trust me… I know!

I hope that future is promising! I hope that my future is a great one.

I am currently studying math in school. I am hoping to be a great teacher! Only my future and time will tell if I want to do that for the rest of my life.

There are many things I want to do with my life. One day, I want to create a book of my writings (stories and poems).

There will be hills and there will be valleys. I hope that, with God on my side, I can conquer anything my future throws at me 🙂

Future_Quotes_from_iPerceptive     future-hurry-slow

(Images found on Bing.com)