Yea, I know. I’ve neglected this blog for a while now, but for a good reason. I focused on what was going on in my life and pushed my blog to be low on my priority list. It was hard for me to figure out what I wanted to blog about. So I decided to reflect on the school year instead. (I’m an educator by the way.)

Today is the last Monday of the school year and I started to reflect on the journey I’ve walked through. Teaching in a Pandemic has been a CHALLENGE that came with a lot of side effects.

  1. Wearing a mask for 8+ hours a day
  2. Anxiety and anxiety attacks (both in and out of school)
  3. Headaches… lots of them
  4. Tears… lots of them
  5. Out of the 7 units in the curriculum, I’ve only gotten to 2.
  6. My students had to do state testing.
  7. Teaching on a hybrid schedule
  8. Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual exhaustion
  9. Education issues
  10. Stressed
  11. Overworked

Life has been kicking my BUTT y’all, and that’s not even the end of that list. This has been the hardest school year for me and nothing can top this experience… as of now. BUT THROUGH IT ALL, God has truly kept me and I’m still standing… BARELY… but still standing. Not only did I reflect on these things, but I also concluded that I should be going crazy right now… BUT I’m not. God kept me through.

You may not believe in God and that’s your prerogative; but as for me, I am grateful to God for keeping me.

Now that I’m close to the end of the school year, what do I plan to do? Well, I thought of a few things that I could do.

  • Turn off my alarms and sleep as long as I want.
  • Meditate and do yoga… or Pilates
  • Exercise
  • Wake up in the morning and sit on my patio porch with a nice cup of coffee… or hot tea.
  • TRAVEL!!! Ya girl is feening for an airplane ticket. But don’t worry; I’ll get my fix next month 😉
  • Binge-watch a television show
  • Listen to music all day and dance in my room.
  • Go to outdoor concerts and parties… with caution because COVID-19 is still alive. I got vaccinated, but I will continue to proceed with caution.
  • Go to therapy.
  • Visit my grandparents and great-aunts
  • Have a warm girl summer… I’m not that bold to have a hot girl summer, but I can get super warm *LOL*
  • Crochet some pieces.
  • Read some books.
  • Journal daily.
  • Maybe buy a plant to take care of
  • Maybe write a story
  • Doodle, draw, paint maybe
  • Hang out with friends
  • Do some adulting. (Unfortunately, I can’t take a break from that. Ugh!)
  • etc.

Do I plan to do all of these things at once? No, but I will strive to do things to help heal, refresh, renew, revive, restore, and rejuvenate myself.

What do you plan to do during the summertime? I’d love to know.

To all my fellow teachers, I’m so proud of us. We make it out alive! Please take this time to heal.

Take care and have a wonderful summer!

~Live Laugh Love~

4 thoughts on “I Guess This is an Update?

  1. You made it seem so easy. I did not see your troubles, only your smiles. Relax and recharge your body. Enjoy yourself in all that you do.

  2. Love this! As a retired educator, it is reassuring to know that young, committed professionals like you are still on the “battlefield” for our children. Yes, I still remember the feelings at the end of a school year … that proud feeling of achievements of another school year and the opportunity for self care! Work your plans to rest, revive, restore, regroup, and enjoy life! You’ve earned this time……. Next school year is right around the corner, and YOU WILL RISE to the occasion again. Godspeed as you move forward in a most honorable and sometimes under-valued profession!👏🏾♥️

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