Day 5

What is my favorite season??? The season ofย FALL!!!

Some people call it Autumn. Some people call it Fall. Either way it goes, I love this season!

It’s not too hot, not too cold. I can wear boots and light jackets. I can wear long sweaters. I just love the fall! It’s a beautiful season to me!

My birthday is in the winter time. The only thing I like about that season is the holidays I celebrate and my birthday… oh and the snow!

But the season of fall will always be my favorite season ๐Ÿ™‚

I even wrote a poem about it! It’s a short one.

I write poetry from time to time. I love to write in general.

So here goes…

Leaves With Many Colors

I think of umbrellas that hide me from the sun.

The trees sway while I’m sitting underneath it

looking at the multiple colors;

a new rainbow in the sky after a rainy day.

What is your favorite season??? I’d love to know! ๐Ÿ™‚


(Found this picture on

P.S. Check out my latest blogs Nail Report!!! and A Book I Love!! Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜‰