I meant to write this post yesterday but I forgot… I wanted to stay on top of this 30-Day Blogging Challenge!

Besides the Bible, I really don’t have a particular book that I love. The Bible pretty much is in a category all by itself. It gives me life lessons to live by and I can’t live without it! I started reading it (for real, for real) when I was a freshman in college. (FYI, now I am a fifth year!) Reading it on Sunday morning did not count to me.

However, there are some books that I would love to read (and finish reading)!

1. Radical by David Platt… I’m finishing up this one with a book club I’m in. I like it 🙂
2. Crazy Love by Francis Chan… I started reading this one; then I stopped because I got busy and lazy lol 😀
3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins… Well, I already read this book! But because I wanna read the other series I thought I’d read this one again!
4. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins… I was suppose to read this one right after The Hunger Games but I didn’t.
5. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins… What can I say? I wanna read this after reading Catching Fire lol!

I also wanted to read the whole Lord of the Rings series!

What other books to you want to read? What other books should I read? I would love to know 😉

~Happy Reading~

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