March has surely been marching on everyone’s emotions lol. No, I take that back… this whole year has been marching on everyone’s emotions! We were all so inspired to kick 2019 in its rear end and embrace 2020 with all of its glory. For some, 2020 was supposed to be a movie. I didn’t imagine it being The Book of Eli though. With that said, I don’t even wanna waste your time summarizing what is going on in the world right now, but I do want to give my observation.

I prefer to call it Coronagheddon. Or Auntie Rona

Now I am just as confused as you all are and it’s going to take a while for me to process. Hearing that I suddenly have to leave my classroom and pack it up while my students are forced to go home doesn’t sit well with me. Therefore, this doesn’t feel like a break. This is happening too quickly and it’s coming at an inconvenient time. Nevertheless, I must adhere to what is going on. Based on my research COVID-19 is currently on a world tour, traveling from Wuhan, China to now within the North American borders. This has left us with many emotions and for some in sheer panic, mixed with a lack of common sense. I also feel like temporary government restrictions are forcing us to stay home. We are slowly getting into social distancing in the form of self-quarantine to slow down the spread of the virus. As a result, some aren’t getting paid and are told to apply for unemployment.

But even amid the chaos, I honestly feel like there is a lesson in all of this. I can tell some people aren’t taking social distancing well and I get it. We’re almost forced to stay home. It’s uncomfortable. We’re always on the go and always busy doing something. Even my generation, The Millennials, have two or more jobs plus extracurricular activities. Some of us don’t have time to rest or be present with our friends and families. Plus I’ve learned a while ago that we currently live in a microwave society. Everything has to be done quickly, never slowing down. Now I don’t wanna come off as “spooky” but I truly feel like God is tryna teach us something here, whether personal or collective. Hear me out on this… what if God makes things inconvenient and uncomfortable for us to pay attention to the details… or maybe even to slow down? Sometimes we can go so fast, get so busy, and miss something all at the same time. 

Social Distancing

With this temporary norm, I believe we can make it productive before it tears us apart. I don’t think staying home will be too hard for me, although I’ll admit that I don’t like to confine myself in one place every day. Yes, I’m an introvert and I guess you can say that I tend to socially distance myself daily. I’m always finding something to do and there are rare occasions of me being bored. Based on these social media posts, many people aren’t sure of what to do with this downtime other than work at home. Hopefully, this blog post could give you some ideas of what you can do. [Disclaimer: These are simply ideas. If it don’t apply, then let it fly. Amen?]


I am constantly learning to listen to my body and rest. Take a naps sis …or bro! Get your sleep pattern back on track. (Honey, mines is OFF mmkay?!) Meditate. Or… imagine this: you have a tall glass of wine with your headphones on (earbuds, AirPods, whatever you got) while listening to your favorite chill songs on your bed… with your eyes closed. Don’t that sound relaxing? I feel like when people heard the term “State of Emergency” or “National Emergency” then that meant to panic. Ladies and gents, don’t panic. That’s how we lose our minds.

Eat Well

With Ohio restaurants on lockdown (minus carry-outs, drive-thrus, and delivery), this will cause longer lines and longer waits. With that said, have you considered eating something other than fast food …or eating at home? Honey, I looooves me some good hot fries with a touch of salt, but nothing beats a home-cooked meal. I’ve also been wanting to get back into eating healthier and drinking more water, so I started a few weeks ago. I’m not nearly there yet, but I can definitely get there with more discipline. So try cooking at home. You can’t cook? No worries. Use this time to learn how to cook. Try learning on YouTube. It’s free.

Get Creative

Create a Vlog. Start a journal. Write a poem. Write a Blog. Learn to sew, crochet, or knit. Finish your book or start one. Write a song. Finish your album or that project. Color a page in a coloring book. Draw something. Paint. Pick back up your instrument… or pick it up. Either way, let’s Quarantine and Create together!


Or listen to an audiobook. It’s your prerogative ๐Ÿ™‚ Learn a new language … or pick it back up. I’m still learning Italian.

Binge Watch

Ever heard of Quarantine and Chill? Watch that movie you’ve been dying to watch on Netflix or Hulu. Have a Marvel Movie marathon. A Lord of the Rings marathon… or Harry Potter! I did see that Frozen II has been early released on Disney + …all thanks to Auntie Rona.

This is going to be hard for all of us, but it’ll be harder if you allow it. So make the most of it by being productive! This has been an inconvenient time for all of us, not to mention uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I believe God is allowing this to happen for a reason. This morning, I was listening to a podcast by Sarah Jakes Roberts and she prompted the question, “Who are you going to be when this is all over?”

What do you plan to do while under social distancing? I’d love to know ๐Ÿ™‚

“Good luck! And may the odds be ever in your favor.” What movie is that from? Does anyone know? Okay, I quit. Bye!

~Live Laugh Love~

2 thoughts on “Coronagheddon

  1. I too believe God is trying to get our attention(not spooky at all๐Ÿ˜‰)
    I love this! โค๏ธ Good stuffโ˜บ๏ธ

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