Disclaimer: What I’m not about to do is give you every waking detail of what went down on this tour *LOL* rather what I took away from it. So here goes…

On Saturday, February 29, 2020, I went with my sister to Woman Evolve’s Refuse to Lose Tour by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts. We went to the one in Indianapolis, Indiana, which is about 1 hour and 45 minutes away from me. The drive there was smooth and not that much traffic, so y’all already know that I had my good playlist on Spotify while interchanging between going the speed limit and speeding. LOL!

My sister and I drove to Indy separately but got there with plenty of time to be fancy and get something to eat. We went to a restaurant downtown called Louie’s Wine Dive and the food was really good! We had plenty of time to chat, vent, and then walk to the place where the Tour was going on to take our seats. 

Now… The next three hours of this encounter was a lot to take in one sitting, so I hope all of this makes sense! LOL! So many good things took place in that venue! I really can’t quite put into words how I truly feel about my experience with this Tour. I came in with no expectations other than for me to be uplifted and encouraged. 

Pastor Roberts and her team made this encounter a safe space for all women to release what they’re feeling on the inside, both good and bad. There are women out there, like me, who are experiencing a whole lot in their lives all at once. Being around women who truly wanted to make a change and/or release their strongholds encouraged me to break any defensive walls that I had up. Although this encounter had me vulnerable and my tears did flow, it never felt uncomfortable.

This Tour is also a safe space for women to open up a conversation on the real issue of why we as women may feel like giving up or carrying so much weight. Dr. Anita Phillips was also a part of the tour and probed us with this question: What would it mean to you if you were to lose? Not only did this question hit me like a sack of bricks but also many other women in the room. I was reminded that to get through your fight and not give up, you have to dig deep to figure out what is stopping you and where did it start. 

Pastor Roberts delivered a powerful word as well. I am under the impression that she has a different message for each city that she went to… or a different message from the same text… so if you plan on going from another city the message may or may not be different 🙂 What I got from it was that God’s strategy for creating this earth was not for us to see pain and suffering, yet the enemy disrupted the plan. However, a disruption of the plan does not equate to destruction. God may not remove the pain, but he will counteract the attack in your life with a new strategy. God also used women in the Bible to execute His strategy, (i.e., Mary carrying Jesus). Therefore, God can use you!

I think that this tour is necessary for all women and that every woman should experience it. It made you feel like there are women out there who will support you even though it may feel like you’re alone. Your support system may not understand what you’re going through, but you still have a support system. When you put a bunch of women in the same room, God only knows what damage we can do to the enemy! Women are more powerful together.

If you were contemplating going to this encounter, then I highly recommend. You won’t be disappointed. I came out of the venue overwhelmed yet full. I had a new perspective and a new outlook… and about $90 gone outta my pocket. Uh uh, y’all don’t judge me! It was sown into good ground, mmkay?! But seriously, I got a bomber jacket and her book entitled Don’t Settle for Safe. I also learned a new worship song to put in my playlist called Done by One House Worship, which can be found on many platforms I believe. But best of all… I got my second wind after leaving Indy, refusing to lose. 

For more information about the tour and this movement, check out the Woman Evolve’s website HERE.

Check out my latest blog HERE.

Take Care!

~Live Laugh Love~