My week began a bit gloomy since I had to go to a funeral (RIP Toine). However, the week has ended on a good note for me. I can’t quite put my finger on an exact reason why, but I do know that a lot has helped. I noticed that I’ve been lethargic at work, so I started back drinking more water in the morning and throughout the day. My coworkers and I also began a salad exchange, so I started eating healthier at lunchtime. I also did a lot of reflecting and talking to God before I went to work, which was a great contribution. It reminded me that life is WAY too short and to consider every loss as lessons. The sun has also been out all week, so that’s always a plus! It’s a good reminder that spring. is. COMING!

With that said, I’ve been feigning for an opportunity to travel and subconsciously thought of not wanting to wait until summer break. (I’m a teacher if you didn’t know.) Have you ever been feigning for a getaway? Is it just me? The last trip I’ve been on was back in November 2019 when my mom, grandma, and I went to Atlanta for Thanksgiving (loved that trip BTW). I couldn’t wait for another chance to travel, but I stacked my coins up in the meantime. (I think it’s called “securing the bag” …right? I can’t keep up with the lingo.) So, as usual, I binge-watched travel videos on YouTube and came across a Las Vegas video. That led me to look up flights… ya know? Don’t look at me like that! I was curious about the price of tickets to Las Vegas! Like… is it expensive all year round, certain parts of the year… like what’s the real tea? So I looked at dates during my Spring Break, which is late-March to the first week of April. Y’all, the cheapest Delta tickets were less than $340! I was like, “Oh giiirrrrrlllllllll, I’m going!” So I strongly considered going back to Vegas for Spring Break! (FYI, I went almost three years ago, so that trip was still fresh in my mind.)

Then I started thinking about who would want to go with me. Now, I know that I can travel alone and I’ve done it before, but sometimes I want to share my experience with someone. I’m very selective of who will go out of town with me, and it has to be someone I know for sure won’t flake on me all of a sudden with “I forgot” or “I have to cancel”. It also had to be someone I know is similar to my profession and can take off as I can. (Traveling with a teacher can be difficult since you have to work around their schedule.) 

Then it came to me – Who better than my mom? Like …who?! Then I took it a step further and wanted to treat her to a trip to Vegas! Now, I know some of y’all don’t wanna chill with your momma like me, and that’s okay, but I’ve been exposed to way too much sudden death for me not to appreciate my mom… and so has she! I feel like we both deserve it! I think it’s safe to say that we’ll be going on a Mommy and Me Girls’ Trip!

Now I can walk around work thinking about a trip, ya know? It’s something to look forward to! This will be my second time in Vegas. It’ll be a shorter trip this time, but I can’t wait to check out almost all of the things that I wasn’t able to get to last time.

Welp, I had to get that off my chest. I don’t wanna badger y’all much more with my posts about Vegas, but I’m warning y’all now just in case y’all see more posts on my other social media platforms LOL! I do plan on traveling more this year, but I not too-too big since I have bigger plans for my 30th birthday. So be on the lookout for more blogs about my travels this year! πŸ˜‰

Check out my last post about Vegas HERE.

Check out my take on traveling alone HERE.

Check out my take on traveling young HERE.