
They are so hard to come by these days.

In the lives of people, each friend has a title in life (as they should). Some are party friends. Some are school friends. Some are church friends. Some are friends they study with.

And then there are closest friends… or best friends

When you’re with your closest friends, you are not afraid to be yourself. You can trust them with your deepest darkest secrets because they will not tell anyone. You can have some of the greatest (in some cases the craziest) times of your life with your closest friends. You can go days without seeing them and know that they will always be your closest friends.

In my life, I have best friends, close friends, friends, and cool people to hang around. Some I consider family. Some are distant and some are near. But I always consider them my friends… unless they do something to me that will change our relationship.

I’ve learned that friends will come and go. Friends will be here for only a season, then someone knew comes in. Therefore, I embrace and appreciate those who are in my life right now 😉


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~Live, Laugh, Love~