So Friday, February the 7th was my birthday. For the past few years, I used to dread this day. Nothing ever went to plan. I think I even blogged about it lol. This made me not want to do anything. I used to be depressed about my birthday and I thought it was jinxed. Welp, I guess I had to get a little bit older lol. Last year was the first time in a while that I had a great birthday and this year was no different. I woke up at 5:15 am to my school telling me about a 2-Hour Delay, then at 7 am (ish) that they were closing. Then I woke up, did my laundry, and took time to thank and like every post on Facebook. That was my morning! I wasn’t going to go anywhere due to the snow, but I ended up changing my mind and went to Panera Bread where I ate one of my favorite salads (Modern Greek w/ Quinoa) and read my daily devotional. Afterward, I did a little shopping at Ulta and Sephora, blogged. Then I had a birthday dinner at The Chop House where I had a juicy steak dinner. AANNNDDDD my hair was FLOURISHING?! Yep! This was a great birthday and I didn’t want it to end. Now I know why people say they wanna celebrate all month long. I guess that’s what I’ll do! Life is too precious and short.

Okay, this all sounds boring for some of you, but hear me out. This is the same person that said that she wasn’t going to celebrate her birthday because something always happens. well, last year changed that for me and I plan to celebrate every birthday from now on. My friends were even mentioning a 30th birthday bash next year. I already have some big plans for next year! Let’s get through this year first though lol.

My last year in my 20s. It wasn’t significant until now. A decade ends as a new decade begins. I can’t help but wonder if I learned anything, or if any memories stuck out to me the most. I learned a lot in my 20s. I’ve been depressed, I’ve cried, I’ve traveled, I laughed, I grew more in my relationship with Christ. Be that as it may, my 20s was a rollercoaster and I wouldn’t change a thing. I don’t have any regrets… okay there is one, but that’s neither here nor there. Overall, I’ve enjoyed my 20s.

So… what did I learn?

  1. Learning doesn’t end when you graduate from high school. After your high school graduation, you are constantly learning more about yourself.
  2. Learning doesn’t end when you graduate from college either. It’s a whole different ball game.
  3. Adulting can be a lot of fun, but it can also be absolutely horrible.
  4. Balancing your adult life requires constant practice.
  5. Give yourself some slack! You just became an adult eleven years ago. You’re going to make mistakes and not have everything together. That’s okay!
  6. Don’t worry about the future. Let the future worry about itself. Focus on what is going on right now and embrace it. Try to enjoy it.
  7. College is NOT a waste of time. I can’t emphasize this enough. I don’t care who you talk to. Chances are, college just didn’t work out for them and that’s okay!
  8. The journey to comfortable living might take a while… and I do mean A LONG WHILE HONEY! If that means moving back in with your parents after graduation… or watching your life not go as planned… or if that means watching other people seemingly living their best life in another country while you’re still deciphering when will it be your turn, then that’s how it has to be. It’s a learning experience and it allows you to appreciate the journey a lot more.
  9. Life is too short. Enjoy your birthday.
  10. Financial stability is important.
  11. It’s okay to get yourself together before you find love. It’s okay to try and figure yourself out in the meantime. Chances are God is working on him too sis!
  12. Always have this as a yearly goal – Step out of your comfort zone and do something that you’d never consider. Trust me, it’ll change your life and it helps you to take a risk.

Old 80s and 90s television shows made it seem like turning 30 is going to be the worst thing ever. I beg to differ. I honestly think my 30s (God willing) will be LIT! I plan to enjoy every moment of my last year in my 20s in the meantime.

Happy Birthday to MEEEE! Aayyyeee! Turn up!