The end of the year has come and now we’re on to a new year. Sometimes it’s hard to find one thing I’ve learned this year. Did I learn anything this year? Well, there is one that came to mind.

Self-Care includes your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. 

It may sound silly to some people but it’s an old lesson that I needed to hear. You’re not superwoman, superman, or the energizer bunny. Even cell phones need a recharge. There are going to be some days that I’ll have a lot to do, but it doesn’t have to be every single day of the year. Take time to regroup. You don’t have to be apart of every group, organization, ministry, club, etc. Enjoy your own company at home, doing absolutely nothing… and that’s another thing: doing nothing does mean you’re doing something πŸ˜‰

What were the best parts of 2019?

I enjoyed my birthday for the first time in years, I went to see Jonathan Mcreynolds in concert with my mom, I went to the Millennium Tour TWICE with my sisters, went to Myrtle Beach with my sister, the State Fair, Dave Chappelle’s Block Party, the county fair, watched my longtime friend get married, my longtime sisters had a sleepover, had a photoshoot, went to a birthday party, and had a good Christmas.

Listen y’all, I know 2019 has been a rough year for all of us. Often times it’s hard to appreciate good things happening in your life when you see so much bad happening around you and your inner circle. 2019 is easily considered an off year for all of us and it’s easy to focus on all the bad things that happened in 2019… The Memorial Day tornados, the KKK Rally (and the waste of money, but we’re not gonna go there), the lost of many loved ones, etc. Even though 2019 had a lot going on, I really had some dope moments. As the year is ending I encourage all of you to do the same thing. Find the good in what happened this year πŸ™‚

29 Goals the Year I Turn 29? This that the goal for the year?

This year I accomplished 82% of my 28 goals! Yay, yay, yay! Most of it was due to my writing goals as I went throughout the year. I think that was a lot more effective than creating a bunch of goals that may change throughout the year, which is okay to do. I didn’t accomplish 5 goals, but some of them I am still trying to do, such as being on-time more… DON’T JUDGE ME! I’m not always on time. It’s always fun to come up with a lot of things I would to this year, but I don’t know if I want to do that this year. I don’t want to pressure myself into creating 29 goals that I know I won’t do. I want to be intentional about what I write and allow myself to come up with goals throughout the year. As a matter of fact, I may just do what I did this year and write goals as I go. I will add another element to the mix and write how I want to accomplish that goal. 

What’s in store for Diondra’s Place? 

I do have a few things I want to do with this website.

Continue to be Consistent – That has always been an issue with me. My goal was to post at least one blog per month. I didn’t feel inspired to post during the months that I didn’t. I never want to feel like I have to post about something and then give you half-hearted posts. Nevertheless, I wrote a post for 8 out of the 12 months! That’s a win for me πŸ™‚ 

New types of blog posts – I would like to be more creative with my post… maybe a poem here or there. I would like to post more about a new thing I’ve learned in January of 2019 called Bullet Journaling. (You’ll see a blog post about that very soon.)

Promote Myself More – I honestly don’t want you all to get tired of me. Don’t judge me! I’m learning πŸ™‚

I’ve been seeing a lot of people say that this year they’re going to this/that, “this is the year of ____,” etc. As for me, I’m just ready to work hard and watch God lead the way. Do you have your goals ready? I hope so! Remember, you don’t have to wait until January to try and work on the goal. You can start right now and so can I. 

Take Care! 

~Live Laugh Love~

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How have you been celebrating Kwanzaa? I’ve been looking at my old blog posts to reflect, along with reading what each principle means. If interested, Click Here