As the year 2020 marches its way through time, speeding pass May, and stepping into June, I wanna be transparent again. Let’s take it back to 2019. At the beginning of January 2019, I wasn’t too enthused about that year. It could’ve been because my stomach was hurting the night of New Year for no reason, and maybe it was past my bedtime, but I felt no motivation. It was strange to me and a bit scary. I’m normally excited to begin a new year and set new goals, but I wasn’t that night.

I thought that I just needed time to adjust, so I ended up giving it a few days. I realize I still felt the same way, so I was determined not to stay this way. I looked up ways to stay motivated and different strategies to achieve goals (or something like that). I ran across something called “Bullet Journaling.” (Let’s say BoJo.) It’s a method that will help you track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future. It was invented by Ryder Caroll, but over time it allowed creative people to personalize it. I thought it seemed like a cool agenda book idea, so I decided to try it.

I binged YouTube for inspiration and to get the idea of BoJo-ing. It was difficult at first but I got the hang of it afterwhile. I made mines to be more creative and purposeful for my needs. It even put my mind at ease and gave me a routine. Fast-forward to November 2019: that was when I stopped BoJo-ing to see if it was purposeful as I think it is. I longer had a routine, nor did I organize my thoughts like I usually do. Honey, my mind was EVERYWHERE and I needed a break quick, fast, and in a hurry! I was all over the place that month LOL! I was just standing in the month per se, coming and going. It didn’t take me long to realize that I needed to organize my thoughts again, so I started back BoJo-ing in December 2019 and I was too excited.

Now the question remained if I wanted to continue BoJo-ing and stop buying agenda books. At this point, and for the first time, I decided not to buy an agenda book for 2020. It’s now May 2020 and I won’t be going back to agenda books. I love BoJo-ing because it’s personalized for how I like to document tasks and to check in on my mental health. Although I don’t do mines exactly the way it was originally invented, I find it therapeutic setting up monthly entries. Plus I learn new ways to stay organized. (Most will find this shocking because I’m a neat-freak and am slightly OCD. I’m organized on paper, but not in my thoughts.) The most important thing I’ve learned is that it gives me a method of accomplishing my goals, not just writing them down.

Although we’re in a very crazy time right now, I still bullet journal. It takes me mind of things and allows me to be creative. I’m not going anywhere, so I don’t need a to-do list. I just use my phone. But what I am still doing is tracking important dates for the month, along with my mood and habits I want to keep up, like taking my vitamins, drinking water, journaling, etc.

Here’s also a video of how BoJos work below.

Here’s also a YouTube channel that I like to look at. Her name is AmandaRachLee.

So are you interested in BoJo-ing? I’d say go for it! It may change your life πŸ™‚