There are many, many things in this world that I can live without: suffering, hatred, selfishness, fake people, altruism, racism, discrimination, etc.

I don’t find myself to be a someone who has a desire to buy a bunch of stuff. I don’t care too much about the latest trends. At the same time, there are things that I’ve found to be addicted to… and I don’t have any shame in letting you know πŸ™‚

  1. French Fries | I don’t mind going on “diets” or anything that will benefit my health. But to ask me to NOT have french fries while being on a healthy lifestyle? Nope! No ma’am, no sir! Give me french fries that are hot and fresh with a little bit of salt and I’ll be satisfied.
  2. Starbucks | I was an avid tea drinker growing up (and I still am) until Starbucks came into my life a few years ago. Initially, it was every now and then… until I got a hold of The Gold Card. It was over from there. I stick to the same things:
    1. Iced Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel drizzle
    2. Caramel Frappuccino
    3. Vanilla Bean Frappuccino
    4. Mango Dragonfruit Refresher
    5. Hot Tea
    6. Cinnamon Dolce Latte
    7. Cinnamon Shortbread Latte
    8. White Chocolate Mocha
    9. Toasted White Chocolate Mocha (holidays)
    10. Pumpkin Spice Latte
  3. Sunglasses | I love sunglasses. They make me feel happy. I purposely got contact lenses just to wear sunglasses during sunny days.
  4. Fragrances | I love to smell good. From body sprays to high-end perfumes, I love them all.
  5. Yarn | I’m a crocheter; so it’s only right that I love yarn. I love to try new yarns that stand out in the store. Lately, I’ve been trying to avoid fabric stores like the plague because I know I’ll probably buy yarn.
  6. Books | I love to read books. It gives me the opportunity to turn off the world for a moment and indulge in the land of imagination. Unfortunately, I don’t get the chance to read more often, but I do plan to change that and make time. My current read is “Becoming” by Michelle Obama. I love it so far. Normally, I don’t go for non-fiction books, but I do find reading about the lives of certain celebrities interesting.

Yep, I’m not ashamed to tell anyone I love these things. As long as I have them in moderation, it’s quite alright to have. What are your good addictions? Don’t be ashamed!

~Live Laugh Love