As January comes to an end, I have found time to work on another blog. I’ll be honest and say that I have neglected my hair for months. It’s so easy to do that when your life is super busy. Therefore, I wanted to treat myself to some hair care. At the beginning of the year I bought a hair care kit from CrownMe Coil Care. Here’s what is in the CrownMe Coil Care Kit:

  • Royal Roots Shampoo
  • Royal Root Conditioner
  • Glory Leave-In Conditioner/Detangling Spray
  • Royal Roots Hair Butter
  • Growth Oil
  • Enthroned Edges
  • Meshi Heat Protectant – I haven’t used this product yet.

Day One – I used the following products:

Royal Roots Shampoo

According to what is written on the product, this shampoo is a “Gentle cleanser for your coils without stripping its natural oils.” As I poured it into my hands, I noticed that it’s not a thick shampoo, which isn’t a problem because it lathered very well! I felt like my hair was clean after I washed it and it didn’t feel like my hair was stripped and dry.

Royal Roots Conditioner

According to what is written on the product, this conditioner is a “Moisture replenishing for all curl patterns & textures. Combats dryness, frizz, and improves manageability.” I think it follows through with what it says on the bottle. It has pretty good slip for my hair and I think it moisturizes well.

Glory Leave-In Conditioner/Detangling Spray

According to what is written on the product, this leave-in is a “Water baser moisturizer and detangler. Replenishes Moisture from the inside out.” I’ll be honest and say that leave-in sprays aren’t my favorite products in general. With that being said, this product isn’t something that I’d normally go for. However, it smells great and it didn’t leave my hair dry. I ended up using it throughout the week to give my hair some moisture.

Royal Roots Hair Butter

According to the website, this product is an “All natural moisturizing hair butter. Enhanced with essential oils, and deep penetrating ingredients will leave your hair feeling smooth and hydrated. Ideal for use in natural hair and for twist outs. We aren’t taught much about growth retention, regular use of Royal Roots Hair Butter ™ will aid in growth retention. Moisturizing your strands reducing the need for trimming.” Ya’ll… at first I wasn’t sure about this product. When I opened it, the texture appeared like cottage cheese… but then I rubbed it into my hands and it melted like butter.
I can be heavy-handed on hair products sometimes, and this time wasn’t any different. I tried to put more than a dime amount on my hair and it definitely didn’t look good in my hair. It looked like I put Bentonite Clay in my hair. It took me too long to realize that a little really does go a long way. It’s even written on the product container *slaps hand on forehead.* Overall, I like it… even though it took me by surprise! I used it on my ends throughout the week. I found it to be better for my hair when it’s dry I stead of wet.

The Next Day

My hair feels moisturized. I was nervous because I thought it was going to be crunchy and dry; BUT my hair feels wonderful and hydrated. Since I have sensitive skin, I was mostly worried about my scalp. I also took into account the fact that my scalp feels the very itchy during the winter time. I did feel a tingly sensation at first, but it all went away the next day. My didn’t feel irritated too much.

What did I try this time???

Growth Oil

According to the bottle, this oil – “Stimulates follicles.” I think the product is okay! I don’t see anything wrong with it. Since I have sensitive skin, my hope was for this not to irritate my scalp… and this doesn’t irritate my scalp which is always a plus.

Day After That | I woke up and used… Enthroned Edges

According to the container, this product is a “Long Lasting Edge Control.” I’ve heard the most about this edge control than anything else in this line. It DEFINITELY has hold! On this day (which was a Sunday) I started using it around 07:00am, and my edges still looked good after 15 hours! So far I’m SHOOKETH of the strength of this product. SHOOKETH! Now I will say that I didn’t find this product to be buildable, but I don’t always put edge control in my hair so this doesn’t bother me.


Would I recommend this company? YES!
Would I recommend anything in this line? YES!
What are my favorite products in this kit? The butter and the edge control. Shocker right?!
What are my least favorite products in this line? The leave-in conditioner. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT WAS A TERRIBLE PRODUCT. I thought it was a great product. I simply prefer a thicker leave-in conditioner.

Overall, I am pleased with this line. I think it’s a great company. I got my products in a timely manner. The best part is that I don’t feel like it’s a waste of money! I do see myself using some of these products more than once, like the edge control and butter. Everything else, I’ll definitely use from time to time. I didn’t get to use the Meshi Heat Protectant because I don’t always put heat in my hair. I do have plans to use heat on my hair this year. I haven’t done that in two years!!!

Let me know if there are any questions. IF you’re interested in trying it out these products for yourself, you can check out the website HERE. Take care! Stay warm!

~Live Laugh Love~