It’s the LAST MONTH OF THE YEAR! The time has come and gone, and 2019 is next door.

I haven’t really finalized my goals for next year yet; so I can’t say whether or not I’m excited about 2019. I’ll be honest with you and say that I haven’t been paying much attention to my 2018 goals. Ever since I started back teaching full-time, my main goal was to survive the school year and get out in one piece lol! All else went out the window lol! Yep, I forgot them, even if they were hanging on my wall. Nevertheless, I have some goals I want to accomplish this year.

For those who are now tuning into my blog, I’ve been doing something like this since I turned 25. My goals were always a mixture of responsibility, outta my comfort zone, and fun things. My main goal of doing this every year was to make the most out of the year regardless of any situations that come my way. This exercise has taught me to enjoy the year, or at least try, and make time for ME.

28 Things to do the Year I Turn 28

In 2019, I want to do some a bit different. I want to do 28 things this year, but I want to fill the rest in as I go. I love doing this every year, but I noticed that I never accomplish all of the goals for some reason. I do have some predetermined goals that must be accomplished, and everything else will come throughout the year.

  1. Travel More – I loooove the idea of traveling all summer. One day I even want to do a day trip during the summer.
  2. Get out of my comfort zone and do something I would never consider – This is my favorite goal btw. I always accomplish this goal 🙂
  3. Continue practicing Italian – So far I can say simple things like “Buongiorno! Come sta?” Or… “Io mangio una mela.” Or… “Buonanotte!” In 2019, my hope is that I can understand Italian music when I listen to it, as well as have a full conversation with people. I’ve been mostly using Duolingo, which is an app many people use to learn a different language. I just purchased a workbook from Amazon that I’m excited about!
  4. Finish season 1 of Game of Thrones – Yes, this is a goal! Don’t judge me. GoT was a show that I really wanted to get into because it reminded me so much of Lord of the Rings (my favorite movie trilogy btw.) However, I don’t have fancy cable to keep up with it.
  5. Learn how to hula hoop – I can’t hula hoop to save my life!
  6. Pay off another loan – I paid one off earlier this year and I am motivated to pay another off.
  7. Have at least $8,000 in my savings account before I pay off a loan – I was having a brief conversation about this with my soul sisters. Americans emphasize the importance of paying off your loans or encourages people to pay the bare minimum on your loans. However, I don’t think I should be in debt trying to pay off a debt! That makes absolutely no sense to me.
  8. Make apartment goals – Where do I want to live? What do I want my apartment to look like? When do I want to move? This was honestly put on hold for a minute, and now I’m ready to write somethings down about it.
  9. Have fun – Enough said.
  10. Volunteer – A must.
  11. Make more time to blog – This blog site has not been a priority, but always in the back of my mind. I used to make a goal of blogging once a week, but I think I’ll go with once a month… or bimonthly… we’ll see!
  12. Workout – Due to my knee and busy schedule, I stopped back in August. I still moved around and stuff, but I was always afraid of making my knee worst. I don’t consider myself one of those New Year Resolution people of working out in January. I’m simply someone who has intentions of being consistent. I have to be in a gym or working out at my church. Workout at home never works out.
  13. Try Calligraphy – I still want to try this!
  14. FINISH ALL OF MY CROCHET PROJECTS!!! – I have a terrible habit of beginning a project and leaving it unfinished, knowing that I don’t always have the time to finish them. I also want to add that if I want to begin a project, then I have to finish it.

I am still determined to accomplish doing 28 things, but I don’t want to make all of my goals at once. I wanna take it one step at a time and even have goals come to me throughout the year.


I took some time to blog each day of Kwanzaa last year. That was my unique way of celebrating this holiday since I never really did before. Idk if I wanna do that again or not, but it’s definitely a possibility!

IF you would like to read what I’ve written from last year, then click here.

With that being said, I hope you all have an amazing Holiday season! Take some time with family and friends 🙂 Take care!

~Live Laugh Love~

2 thoughts on “2019 Goals

  1. I like this. I’m learning more and more about you almost on a daily basis. You’re a really neat person.

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