As I chill, do laundry, and do something “holiday festive,” I am finally able to appreciate summer. Yep. That sounded weird, I know! But I’ve been working summer school for the past 4 WEEKS! Now I’m ready to have some affordable fun! Oh how I wish that I could travel once more, but my funds are telling me no ma’am *lol* Oh well! I’ll admit that summer is my 2nd favorite season and I find it a lot better than my birthday *LBVS* 😊

Outside of Church duties and helping out friends, here’s my summer goals. I may not get to all of them, but the idea is to keep myself busy with fun things to do.

  1. SLEEP! Enough said.
  2. READ! In a world filled with eBooks, where are my old school readers at? If you read my last blog post, I’m still on the hunt for a great book on money and finances. I don’t want it to be boring at all, but an engagingly effective book. Other than that, I wanna walk through a book store and get inspired. I imagine myself sitting in there with a cup of hot tea and reading the first chapter of the book… and then buying it afterwards of course. I also have a few books I already own that I wanna read. Hmm… I just might listen to an audio book while I crochet…
  3. Attend outdoor fairs and festivals! My mom and I attend the Macy’s Music Festival almost every year and this year will not be any different. I also wanna go to the State Fair and any other festivals that catch my interest.
  4. Crochet! If you read my last blog, I was working on color pooling and summer tops. Ummm… I have like… maybe 6 unfinished personal projects. I don’t wanna go beyond 10, so I am determined to finish them all. Also, I wanna show you all what I come up with.
  5. Day Trip! I’m thinking cost-effective… like Columbus, Cincinnati, or Indianapolis. Ever since I drove to Memphis, I feel like I can handle any road trip *lol*
  6. Practice my guitar! I’ll be honest and say that I have neglected my guitar for a few years now. I am going to aim for practicing once a week… or at least biweekly.
  7. Work out more. I was doing so good until this past May when I found out that I had bursitis in my knee and a small foot pain. It’s been a mental and physical struggle, but I’m yet pressing on with caution!
  8. Self-Teach Myself Calligraphy or Fancy Writing! I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now!
  9. Do mind exercises at least twice this summer break. Don’t judge me! Okay, this might sound weird to some people. I’m talking word search, sudoku, math problems… YES THIS IS A GOAL!
  10. Research alternative ways to deal with physical pain. I hate pills. Getting me to take pills is like pulling teeth. Other than ibuprofen for a headache, I don’t take pills. When pain comes up, I wanna look for organic ways to deal with them (e.g., food, oils, exercise, etc.)
  11. Creative Writing! I bought a journal from Meijer that has writing prompts on each page. I use to LOVE writing stories and poems, so hopefully I can get to this one.
  12. Binge watch Netflix and Eventually get to the Stars app! So far I have two shows in mind. Anything else I need to watch?! Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you all enjoy the summer! Make it better than the last. If that’s difficult for you, just remember to try.

~Live Laugh Love~