Hello all and Good Morning!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. If I’m being honest, then I’d say that I wasn’t motivated into writing a post about anything. Plus I wasn’t inspired either πŸ™ Nevertheless, I wanted to blog today! πŸ™‚

I also wanted to mention that I was in Las Vegas around this time last year… that had nothing to do with what I wanna talk about *lol*

This blog will be about an update on my “27 Things to do the Year I Turn 27” annual goals. My 1st goal on the list was to read 27 books. I haven’t bought any books lately and I cannot remember reading a book last month, but I have plenty of books that I have not read yet in my possession. I’m currently reading a book by Queen Latifah called “Put on Your Crown: Life-Changing Moments on the Path to Queendom.” It’s pretty good so far, and guess what? It’s a non-fiction book! [Insert Gasps Here] Yes, a non-fiction book. This year I wanted to focus more on non-fiction books, and what better way to that than reading about someone elses’s life? I should be done with it soon and I’ll tell you all about it!


I did go on a road trip/vacation to Memphis, Tennessee two weeks ago with a friend of mine. It was a very short trip, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time there! I brought back very few souvenirs and a full stomach. SIS… BRO… that Memphis food was so GOOD! I’ll insert a recap video πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to go on another vacation, but thine coins must be right!


Speaking of my coins… Due to the change of income from last year, saving money like I use to has been kinda difficult. Nevertheless, I am determined to have my goal amount in my savings account met by the end of the year. I always have to remind myself that this is not my permanent situation! I have to keep praying to God, constantly stay aware of my finances, enjoy (or at least be satisfied with) what I’m doing right now, and look at success stories of people who got out of student loan debt (via YouTube). I even plan to read a finance book soon for more motivation… probably after I finish my discussion with Queen Latifah πŸ˜‰

The trick is to not dwell on my circumstances because they have had a hold on me for soooo long! And you wanna know the result of it? I PAID OFF ONE STUDENT LOAN LAST MONTH!!! [Insert praise break here] Crazy yet amazing right?! That was one of my goals this year (paying off a student loan) and I am now super motivated to pay another one off by the end of the year… if not that then at least put a dent in it πŸ˜‰ one down, two to go!


Now let’s rewind to this past February. On my birthday was a snow storm, so school was out. That would be exciting news for a normal person working in a school system, right? Well, not for me. I only get paid for working since I only work part time. I don’t get paid on a snow day! I was bored the whole day, until I went to job #2 later that evening. I learned that my birthdays during adulthood don’t always work as planned, and that I never get to celebrate the day that I was born on my birthday; rather, I am content with doing something after that day. I ended up going to a comedy show with Rickey Smiley (super funny) and a live recording of a Gospel Fest that weekend.

So did I enjoy my birthday? Hmmm… yea, I guess *lol*


I didn’t work out for two years, the longest I’ve ever gone without exercise, and I ended up gaining about 10 pounds. It may not be a lot to some people… as a matter of fact… it’s not that bad seeing that it’s been three years… but I was out of shape! I began working out again in October of 2017 and I have been trying to get back into the swing of things ever since. I did hit one fitness goal of drinking a gallon of water for one week back in April (YAY!), but I didn’t wanna count that as a goal accomplished. Plus I had to ease up in May due to bursitis (at least that’s what my doctor told me I showed signs of) and an acute injury at the bottom of my foot. I have no clue how any of this could’ve happened *lol*

Since I don’t pay attention to a scale unless I’m at a doctors appointment, my goal isn’t necessarily to lose weight; rather my fitness goal is to become better than what I was last year. Therefore, I made four goals that will help me to become consistent in healthy living. I won’t say them out loud just yet. I just wanted to tell you about it.

Learning a Language

I am self-learning how to speak Italian!!! This has helped me to take a break from reality and learn something new. I think it’s coming along nicely πŸ™‚ So far I can remember what certain words mean, like mela means “apple” and farfalla means “butterfly.” As for speaking aloud I’m still working on it, but I can say simple phrases like “Buongiorno!” and “Chao!” Oh and there’s “Io mangio una mela.”

My next language would be Spanish. I learned some in high school, so I wanna continue on with that.


I have been crocheting a lot of scarves and hats for this coming winter to give to those in need, but I put myself on break during the warmer months to work on other things. I have been practicing crochet since I was 10 years old, but there are some things that I have never mastered or learned before. I just learned about “Color Pooling” and it’s tricky, but pretty cool! (I’ll insert pictures below.) Also I am crocheting pieces other than winter gear… like swimsuits, skirts, summer shirts, and crop tops! I’ve always wanted to practice, but I wasn’t motivated to do so since I don’t live near an ocean and my summer body isn’t up to my standards yet. I even have quite a few unfinished projects, which is normal for me *lol*

Final Remarks

I won’t bore you for too long, but I wanted to hop on here and blog about my goals update. I almost slipped, but I came right back once I realized that we are half way into 2018!!! This journey has been enlightening: strengthening my inner strength and renewing my love for creativity.

I hope your goals are coming along nicely as well! If you made a New Years resolution and haven’t completed it yet, remember that the year is not up yet and it’s not considered an old year until January 2019 πŸ˜‰ If you already finished your New Years resolution, then come up with a new goal!

~Live Laugh Love~

P.S. My next update will be in September!
If you wanted to read about my last goals update, then click here.
If you wanna read my blog posts about Last Vegas (since I mentioned it), then click here for part 1 and here for part 2.

Take care!

2 thoughts on “27 Goals Quarterly Update

  1. Where was that waterfall it was so beautiful. And was that you singing or another choral group?
    Looks like you had so much fun on your vacation. And let me know how that Finance for the girls maybe you could just share the highlights with me so I don’t have to read it.

    1. The Carolina Watershed in Memphis. Very pretty! No singing, just a very short vacation. I’ll let you know about the finance book once I find one lol

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