I know, I know.

For most who know me, that’s what I love to do. I love how all of my pieces turn out, both good and bad. It’s the one sure thing that keeps me sane most of the time, a great distraction from the outside world and all of my issues. (Which is not a lot, but you get the point)

About 4 years ago, I made the decision to make crocheting into a business… let’s call it a side hustle. It was a big step for me because it meant putting myself out there, which isn’t always easy since I’m a quiet person by nature.

While it was fun for a moment, I began to notice some of the woes of developing a small side hustle, especially in a predominantly black community.

  • Many looove to give suggestions, but never to the point where they’ll support you in terms of buying something. They simply want to give a suggestion, which is not a bad thing, but it does give me the wrong signal sometimes. I can’t tell you how many times people told me to try selling on Etsy or tag me in posts on Facebook. I would take it as “Oh they want to buy something,” but really it’s just a suggestion(s).
  • Most people want you to make “this” or “that” for them… but they really don’t want to buy it. Honestly, it got to a point where I stopped putting pics on Facebook. It starts with me posting a pic of my creations on facebook, then someone will comment saying something like, “Make me this!” or “Can you make me that????” Me being someone who will take what people say to heart sometimes, I assumed that they are interested in my services. So I respond with “Sure” or “Yes, I’ll do it. It will cost ___.” They are normally okay with it and I began working on it. Then once I make it, I’d notify them… I won’t hear from them for months or never at all.
  • People will cancel an order after you have made the product, or in the midst of making the product. Nothing too wrong with it, but it does bother me after I have gotten finished with making it.

FYI – For those who are well-established business owners or side hustlers, you probably read a few red flags at this point. I wanna let you know that I now know the error of my ways and I don’t need any comments about it. Thanks!


My trust in people began to falter after my last two orders last year. Up to that point I didn’t trust anyone when they said they’ll pay me, including the people who I knew were my best supporters and customers. I doubted everyone when they asked me to make them something. I would always think Girl, they really don’t wanna pay for it. They want it for free. What’s the point of making it? (I have a whole box of products to prove it.)

Again I say that crocheting was only a side hustle, but I wanted to take it seriously. Plus I’m a perfectionist, so I work hard on it!

Now I won’t pin this solely on people. I was also most to blame. I didn’t have any idea what it was like to run a side business, even if it was my side hustle that I did occasionally. I will admit that I allowed this to happen. Moreover, I had questions and didn’t know who to turn to other than an author of some book from Amazon, which I never bought and read.

To top it all off, 2017 was not a good year for me mentally and emotionally; yet still I was trying to keep a brave face the entire time and stay hopeful… even though I wanted to cry, which I did sometimes. But did I pick up my crochet hook? Nope, not once… for myself at least. (I did to teach some awesome people how to crochet and a few other times to make gifts.) What was once a joy to do now became the one sure thing that I wanted to take a break from.

Life and trust issues in people affected my side hustle. I wasn’t mentally nor emotionally there and I didn’t wanna crochet. Now that didn’t mean quitting crocheting altogether, but I really didn’t feel like crocheting. This led to a few unstarted, backed-up requests from a couple of my greatest supporters, which I think about a lot. (If you’re reading this, then I’m very sorry. I should’ve said something.)

As I look back on last year, I think I’m in a better headspace. Life happens! After following a few people on Facebook with their thriving new ventures, I think I’m ready to try again! I’m not going to put myself out there again just yet in terms of business, but I’m currently doing my research. I did start with making business cards. (I’m not sure if that was a good first start, but at least it’s a start!)

I’m not sure if anyone was wondering this, but now you know why I stopped crocheting for a while. I’m starting to crochet again πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΎ Looking at YouTube videos and pictures when I click on a hashtag motivates me. I’ll be sure to post what I make later.

~Live Laugh Love~