Hello! It’s Friyaayyy! This blog will be about the one sure thing that keeps most people from falling off of their paths in life – goals. Goals… Goals… Goals πŸ™‚

I have blogged about this topic once before, but I’m not sure if I did so like this. How about the importance of goals? I may be a bit biased here, but the significance of setting goals for yourself is very high. Goals keep you on track, preventing you from going into a state of laziness or feeling lost. Your goal(s) can be finding an apartment, financial stability, working out, work on communication, or just simply loving yourself more.

Setting goals is wonderful, liberating even!
However… could I let you in on a little secret? I can? Okay, cool.

There is something more important than just setting goals. Do you wanna know what that is? Okay, cool! It’s finding out how you are going to accomplish the goal(s) and why you wanna accomplish your goal(s)! Anyone can set a goal for his/herself, but how are you going to accomplish them? It’s no secret to this blog that I love to set goals for myself. I get a little excited when I am able to set goals, but I get even more excited when I accomplish them by figuring out how I am going to so. Are you following me here? No? Okay, let me explain.

Let’s say you wanna have financial stability. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What does that mean for you? Is it saving money? Getting out of debt?
  • How are you going to save money?
  • Do you plan to stop eating out so much and eat at home instead?
  • Will you stop online shopping so much and choose to put that money into a savings account?
  • How are you going to save money?
  • How much money are you planning on putting into your loans per month?

Now I’m not at my finish line yet, nor am I an expert, but I do think that you need a plan in order to gain financial stability. We all do! There are so many methods and resources out there about saving money and getting out of debt, experts too! Find the method/resource(s)/consultation that works best for you πŸ™‚

Let’s say you wanna work out… I have a few things to say about this one. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why do you wanna get into fitness?
  • What motivates you to work out?
  • What do you wanna work on?
  • How and where are you going to work out?
  • Will you get a gym membership or workout at home?
  • Will you make time to do this?

Simply stating that you wanna workout while giving the following statements simply will not work:

I wanna lose my stomach. I’m getting too fat.
I wanna bigger butt and toned legs.
I like what I got, but I wanna tone my muscles.
I need to get a trainer… or a gym membership.
I wanna work out at home. It’s cheaper
I wanna work out BUT [insert any excuse here].
Girl, I ain’t got time to go work out because I got too many kids to take care of.
Honey, I work too much
I don’t have any money for a gym membership.

When you only make the goal of working out and you don’t work towards doing it, then it’s all just words on a paper… or in your mind… or on your vision board. Furthermore, do you know what I hear when people say the above similar statements in blue? EXCUSES. I know of a few people who goes to the gym before they go to work. Some people I know walk around their job during their lunch break, or even around the mall (to walk around… not necessarily shop). I even saw a few teachers walking around the building after school when the students are gone. I’m also sure of some people working out before they go to bed at night. I even heard of people working out at home if they don’t wanna pay for a gym membership. To sum this up, I’ve learned that people make time for the things that they wanna do. So make time for working out if you wanna work out. NO EXCUSES. (FYI I am no expert, nor am I a personal trainer. I could go into this a bit more, but that’s a whole different blog post.)

Do you understand now where I am coming from? You do? Okay, cool!

Setting goals are a no-brain-er for me because I learned about setting long-term and short-term goals when I was in middle school. I am no expert in the significance of setting goals, but this is coming from a place of some experience.Β  I’ve been making annual goals based on my age for three years now, and I notice a reoccurring cycle every time I work on them: I don’t get through all of my goals! It’s never because I make too many goals because I believe that it’s possible to get through all of them. Some times life brings me a curve ball and I have no other choice but to forfeit the goal; however, I will admit that I don’t always figure out how I am going to accomplish them. I just write them down! This year, I’ve learned that thinking about how I wanna accomplish my goals along with writing down the goal itself helps me to accomplish my goals by the end of the year. It also motivates me to get through the year with a positive outlook on life. I hope you would do and feel the same πŸ™‚

Quarterly 27 Goals Update:

March is at its end and I wanted to take some time to update you all about accomplishing my goals for this year. For those who are just tuning into my blogs, I made 27 goals to accomplish during the year that I turn 27, which is this year. I can see about twelve of the goals currently being worked on right now. I’m not going to bore you with talking about the twelve, so I’ll only talk about a few. One of the goals I had was reading 27 books. I have read 3 books this year so far and I’m currently on my 4th book, entitled How to be a Badass by Jen Sincero. Obviously, I was a bit intrigued by the title… so don’t judge me! *lol* Eh… it’s different from what I normally read but it’s not a bad read! Another goal I had was in terms of fitness. I had a fitness goal of mastering exercises that aren’t my favorite, one of which was pushups. I am able to do 40 push-ups without stopping and I can also say that jogging 0.375 of a mile isn’t that bad! I also made a goal of going on a vacation. I have set a few trips this year so far, two of which have a purpose behind them (i.e., graduations). I haven’t gotten my passport yet, but I plan to do so next month… hopefully! Overall, so far so good. I am determined to get through all 27 goals this year!

If you’re interested, here are some of my year-long goals that I’ve done in the past as well as this year:

  1. When I turned 25 – Click HERE
  2. When I turned 26 – Click HERE
  3. When I turned 27 (This year’s goals) – Click HERE

What do I want you to get out of this? Let’s review!

What are some of your goal(s)? Write them down or draw them out. How are you going to accomplish your goal(s)? Begin to think about that. Why do you wanna accomplish these goals (or this goal)? That can be an aid in motivating you to get through them.

~Live Laugh Love~