My take on life changed when the snow went away
I looked around and the sun was shining
Looked another way and the roads were busy
No longer cold, feeling warm
I feel alright about this
Another chance to get it right
with God, with life
A new season, a new day.

I wrote this piece about four years ago – March 5, 2014 to be exact. It’s short, but it held a powerful punch. (FYI, please don’t take this as a “this was a part of a dark past” type of thing. It wasn’t! I was graduating college with my Bachelor of Science degree in about two months at the time and I felt change coming soon.)

Spring isn’t my favorite season since I don’t experience the full effect of spring until a month before the summer solstice (Ohioans will get why). However, I like the “spiritual” aspect of a seasonal change from winter to spring. It feels like you’ve been in the cold for too long… maybe being in a space where the sun hasn’t shined most of the time. It’s always cold! But then Spring comes and it makes you feel like it’s not cold anymore. Now, granted, it’s Ohio and it’ll always be a bipolar state of weather. However, when it comes to spring time, it feels like a brand new time to get things going. It almost feels like New Years all over again!

Regardless of the weather, I hope this spring time makes you feel how I feel right now – motivated! What are your goals? Have you began working on them? What is making the sun shine in your life? Remember these things 🙂

~Live Laugh Love~