The universe is large and the earth is about 4.5 BILLION years old.
Dayton is small, somewhat confined.
What normally stops people from travelling the world? Oh, that’s right… money and loans.
Alas, they are the barrier of many people’s escape,
Leaving all that’s behind them, only for a moment, and exploring something new.
Italy is on the top of my list. (I’m learning the Italian language as we speak.)
Santorini is next; then Paris, Dubai, London, South Africa, and then somewhere colorful… like Brazil!

But I wanna start in my own backyard…
Maybe somewhere in Ohio…
I could go to a city Cali, an island in Hawaii… or Alaska.
Alaska can’t all be covered in snow!
I wanna know what Maine or Rhode Island looks like. (Does Rhode Island look like a city?)
I wanna see this monument called the “Four Corners,” where four states intersect. That would be cool to see.

I think it’s okay to travel while you’re young. I traveled more last year than I ever did in a while. I won’t be able to some day, and I don’t want to look back over my life with shoulda-coulda-wouldas. I wanna say that I did travel. I wanna have the ability to go on trips right now with my family, best friends, friends, or boyfriend (whomever he is). I wanna tell stories to my future kids/grandkids about their dad/granddad (a.k.a. my future husband… whomever he is) and I went to ____. I wanna be able to get up and go out of town at any point in time. I want to enjoy myself while on vacay without thinking that there needs to be a budget. (I have no issues with financial responsibility.) One of my travel goals this year is to get a passport. (I know, I know… *sigh* you would have already thought that I would have one; but alas, I do not. My plan is to get one this year and I WILL.)

I think it’s okay to dream about where you wanna go some day. It’s okay to dream big, but it’s even better to execute a plan or at least write one down. Just make a plan asap and begin working on how you can get there. Then be responsible with your coins. For the most part, I consider myself to be pretty responsible with my coins because I have a budget. My order of financial responsibilities is normally Tithes/Offerings -> Bills -> Gas -> Necessities -> Put money in my emergency fund -> Extra money left over to do whatever.

My plan is set and now is the time for action πŸ™‚

Travel while you can. Tomorrow isn’t promised.

Here are some of my travel blogs!
Blog about my time last year in Chicago
Blog about my time last year in Las Vegas (Parts One and Two)
Blog about my time in San Antonio from a few years ago. (Click Here)

Las Vegas with the Mice

~Live Laugh Love~

3 thoughts on “Traveling While You’re Young

  1. Good one. Encouraging and good advice. There is this good called Brown girl s travel? I think…anyway they do travel the way you talk about here. Love this one.

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