We are 8 days into this year and hopefully you’ve set your goal(s) for this year. In previous years I’ve dedicated time in setting some goals to do throughout the year. I enjoy doing it… even though I haven’t been able to complete my entire list. I think I don’t finish my list by the end of each year because I haven’t establish how I would complete the goals instead of just writing them. In other words, I made the goals but not the game plan to go with it. Nevertheless, I am determined to complete my entire list this year by not only writing reasonable goals, but also creating a game plan for each one. Therefore, I have set 27 reachable goals that I can get through by the end of the year. (I started back in December by the way.) Okay, here they are:

  1. Read at least 27 books
  2. Practice my guitar
  3. Go on a vacation
  4. Blog website grows
  5. Enjoy my birthday (Yes, this is a goal. Don’t judge me.)
  6. Study Bible daily
  7. Write one story or poem
  8. Hit a fitness goal
  9. Learn how to speak Italian
  10. Make 27 scarves and hats to give to the homeless
  11. Learn calligraphy (or fancy writing)
  12. Shooting range of self-defense classes
  13. Random act of kindness
  14. Live in the moment
  15. Volunteer
  16. Pay off one loan
  17. Go zip-lining
  18. Treat myself to something once a month
  19. No meat for one month
  20. Learn 27 songs on guitar
  21. Get a passport
  22. Step outside of my comfort zone and do something that I would never consider
  23. Go out more (because apparently I turned into a massive homebody last year)
  24. Clear my skin up of dark spots
  25. Save more
  26. Learn to be my own best friend
  27. Be able to say that I had a great year by December 31, 2018!

Yes, this list is long… but it’s also doable! I have the entire year to finish this list! I know I haven’t completed my annual list of goals yet and 2018 may throw some curveballs like 2017, but I am determined to finish this time because I have my game plan ready. I just hope and pray that I have a better year than the last.

I’ve already began working on this list by reading my first book of the year 🙂

I also bought some clothes from Fashion Nova. Yep, you read that correctly Fashion Nova! I’ll blog about it soon… if I remember *lol*

If you’re curious about my goals from the previous years, click here for 2016 and here for 2017.

~Live Laugh Love~

2 thoughts on “27 Things to do the Year I Turn 27

    1. Hey! I’m only on chapter two, but it’s interesting and funny so far. It kept my attention throughout the whole first chapter.

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