Issa New Yeeaaarrrr!!! A New Year makes me feel renewed and ready to start better. I was so over 2017 (I mean OVER IT) and I’m ready for what 2018 has to offer.


Today is the last day of Kwanzaa, and today’s principle is

Imani – Faith

To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.


Soooo much happened in 2017, such as Trump being sworn in as president of the U.S., unfair laws, violence, racism, discrimination, bullying, natural disasters, unexpected deaths, and personal problems. For some of us we probably feel like hope and faith in humanity is lost and that it could get worse from here… but something in me is begging to differ. I finished the year off with a book called Unstoppable: Running the Race You Were Born To Win by Christine Caine. (It was really good btw.) The book mentioned something about faith and it kind of blew my mind for a moment. It was a statement that I already knew but forgot somehow: Untested faith is fragile. I think our faith in humanity was definitely tested last year for a reason, but that didn’t mean all hope was lost! Due to going through these set of tests in 2017, the outcome would be perseverance and maturity. We still have work to do, but at least we will be stronger in the process. So keep the faith and keep pressing on.


I enjoyed celebrating Kwanzaa and hopefully I’m able to do more celebrating next year. In the mean time I’ll do my best to apply these principles throughout the year as a reminder to be more aware of the world we live in. It won’t always be like this; so we have to work together and make this world a better place. We live here, so why not?

Happy New Year!!!

~Live Laugh Love~