Hello ALL!  It’s December 27th, Day TWO of Kwanzaa.


Today’s principle is Kujichagulia: Self-determination – to define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.

Now I’m not gonna lie, I had some trouble with this principle because it took some time for me to understand it. After reading it several times, I have a few thoughts on it; so here goes…

I notice that it has a reoccurring word throughout the principle, which is ourselves. I was always taught that you don’t always have to do it yourself; so if you need some help, then ask for it! It takes a village to raise a child, right? Growth doesn’t just stop once you turn 18 years old. You continue to grow through adulthood as well and the transition from adolescent to adulthood is an eye-opener for sure!

Additionally, what I got from this is to learn about your environment and get to know it. Once we understand our environment, I think we can come together and share opinions/thoughts/concerns on what our community, nation, and race is to us and figure out where we go from here… and more importantly how can we actually do that! (Fyi, I’m using the term environment as a general statement. Environment could mean your family, your community, nation, and race… Aye, see what I did there?) We define what our race and nation is to us and to the world, not someone who’s on the outside looking in.

I had to think about this principle some more and realize that I don’t think it just mean ourselves, but to look at the person from within. Depending on someone else on this earth to do something for you isn’t necessarily the way to go. You can’t grow from hiding behind someone else. Learn about yourself and get to know yourself. That way, you can define who you are instead of depending on others to do it for you. Name yourself. For example, ask yourself this: Who is Diondra? Honestly, I think Diondra isn’t completely defined yet and she’s still learning about herself. Diondra is still growing as an adulthood and trying to adjust with this new journey. Create your dreams and opportunities; no one is going to do it for you. They may help you along the way, but you make the choice because you are living your life. Lastly, speak for yourself! Now this may come easy for some people, but I’m not talking about you. This goes for me, the introverts, the quiet ones, and the shy people! No one is going to speak for you; and if they are, then they won’t be speaking for you for long. One day you’re gonna have to speak for you. Don’t be afraid and speak up 🙂


So what do you all think about Kujichagulia? I’d love to know 🙂

I hope that my thoughts made sense and that there isn’t any contradicting statements. Take care!
~Live Laugh love~